Meet the DYNS Team - 2021 Edition

Welcome to Team DYNS. 


Our team is small, but they do say great things come in small packages!

Right now, it’s just the two of us, but together we feel we make the BEST team, bringing so much passion, drive and love to the dancewear world.

Being dance teachers ourselves we believe we have the biggest insight into the industry, knowing what the modern dancer wants, needs, and most importantly, DESERVES.

We wanted to give dancers more than just the same old leotard and tights duo; to give them dancewear that makes them feel confident, empowered and like they could run the world!

Without further ado, let’s meet the DYNS Team!


Meet Natalie the CEO and Founder of DYNS:

Tell us a bit about you:

Hi, my name’s Natalie, I’m 28 years old, living in the West Midlands. I have been dancing my whole live, excelling mostly in Latin and Ballroom dancing, becoming 3rd in the country at the age of 8.

I started up my own dance school at the age of 16 with just 1 class a week on a Saturday morning, and 10 years later, with lots of hard work, sweat and tears, it's become one of the leading dance schools in the West Midlands, with over 40 classes running per week. My job is my passion, I absolutely love what I do, and I wouldn't change any of it for the world.

I studied BA Hons Dance at the University of Wolverhampton and then completed my PGCE at the UWE, but having my own dance school was always what I strived to do.

I'm a sucker for a Café Nero hot chocolate, and a raspberry croissant in the morning before my long day at work. 

I am the biggest people person ever, if you're ever stuck in a room with me, I'll definitely talk your ears off! I love spending time with my friends at a restaurant or going for a walk and just making the most of my down time. 


Sum up your job role in a sentence or two:

This literally isn't possible! I'd have you here all day talking about my job role as it includes so much, especially now as it's just me and Beth in the business. But to cut a long story short, I create the vision that is DYNS, including designing and creating the website, contacting suppliers, arranging photoshoots and generally just making it all happen!


What’s your Starbucks order?

Large hot chocolate, with coconut milk (massive dairy intolerance).


Tell us your biggest fear?

DON'T HATE ME. But it has to be dogs. I'm sorry, I know, they're so cute! But it's just something I can't control!


3 emoji’s that best describe you:




Next up, let's meet Beth, the brand and social media manager:

Tell us a bit about you:

Hey guys! My name is Beth (short for Bethany), I’m 23 years old and I live in the West Midlands. Dance is my PASSION. I’ve danced all my life, since the age of 4, starting with ballet, tap and jazz, and as I got older, I ventured into the world of street, commercial and contemporary dance. I studied BA Hons Dance at the University of Wolverhampton, absolutely LOVED it, they were probably the best 3 years of my life so far! During these three years I found myself a job at a leading dance school in the West Midlands, where I found my passion for teaching. When I finished my degree, I began to study my PGCE in Secondary School Dance, but it turns out going back to school, wasn’t for me!

I have the biggest soft spot for dogs and if I wasn’t in the career, I’m in now, I would probably open up my own Doggy Day Care!

I’m super outgoing and love spending time with my friends and family, filling my days with loads of love, laughter and amazing memories. When I’m not at work I mostly spend my days going to Nandos, shopping in Zara and finishing it off with a stunning Pornstar Martini.


Sum up your job role in a sentence or two:

I am the social media and business manager of DYNS, meaning I create, plan, and manage the Instragram, Facebook and TikTok content you see, making it exciting, engaging, and relevant to dancers. I am mostly responsible for all customer service enquiries, so if you send us a message through our social media channels, you will most likely be talking to me! Hi!!!


What’s your Starbucks order?

Medium skinny latte, with sugar free caramel syrup, extra hot.


Tell us your biggest fear?

SPIDERS. No explanation needed.


3 emoji’s that describe you:



And that’s a wrap. We hope you enjoyed reading about us, hopefully having a bit more of an insight into our lives will make you feel closer to us and the brand.

Here’s to the future, bringing us all health, happiness, and hopefully another team member or two!


Lots of love

The DYNS Team xx