The Highs and Lows of Running a Dancewear Brand
Let me start this by saying that running DYNS is a privilege. Everyday I get to work with a phenomenal team, and alongside creatives in the industry who constantly amaze me, and of course for all of our wonderful customers.
That’s not an overstatement.
The effort that the DYNS Team have put in over the last few months, especially at Move It 2022, has been unparalleled. We stood shoulder to shoulder with amazing established dancewear brands like BLOCH, and we shined bright.
On top of that, every week I get to work closely with other professionals in the industry, from photographers and videographers, to choreographers and of course, incredible dancers. This journey has truly been amazing so far and I can’t wait to share the rest of it with you.

However, it’s not always rainbows and butterflies.
We last visited CYD Glasgow in 2021 and we were bowled over by the spirit, energy, and kindness in the room. I’m not just saying that, the whole DYNS team felt this when we were last in Glasgow, and we’ve been waiting for so long to come back.
That was why it was so painful when we learned that our next dancewear collection delivery (STORM), which was meant to arrive in time for CYD Glasgow, would come late by by only a day. We were a victim of our own success after officially selling out at Move It.
I spent the good part of 48 hours pleading with our delivery company to help us get hold of our stock. Even driving to multiple delivery depots with the slim chance that I could convince them to let us come home with it, but even my charm has limits.
So, 13:00pm Saturday we had to call it. We’d considered making the trip up with the small remaining dancewear stock we had left, but it didn’t feel right turning up and disappointing our customers at CYD, that’s just not what we do.
To anyone who attended CYD Glasgow and was hoping to see us there, we’re really sorry, but we genuinely tried everything we could. Although, do not fret! We WILL be at SOAR Weekender in Manchester next weekend, with our brand new collection STORM.
To those of you who will be at SOAR, we've got what we think might be our best dancewear collection to date. But to those of you who can't make it, we'll definitely be in CYD Glasgow next year.
Lots of love,
Natalie, Beth, and the DYNS team xx